The Roots of Evil
Christopher Hibbert
Not Available
A J P Taylor
The History of Torture
Daniel P Mannix
The Black Prince
Richard W Barber
The Bad Popes
E R Chamberlin
The Black Hole of Calcutta
Noel Barber
The Real Bluebeard
Jean Benedetti
Bonfires & Bells
David Cressy
Spinsters Abroad
Dea Birkett
Pennethorne Hughes
King Mob
Life Under the Pharoahs
Leonard Cottrell
The Inquisition
Edward Burman
The Medieval Underworld
Andrew McCall
The Regency Underworld
Donald A Low
The Elizabethan Underworld
Gamini Salgado
Hanoverian London
George Rudé
Victorian Things
Asa Briggs